
臨床研究において用いられる臨床的な評価をClinical outcome assessments(COAs)といいます。COAsは以下の4つに分類されています。臨床研究で用いるアウトカムによっては、1つ以上の下記分類に属するものもあります。



参考:アメリカ食品医薬品局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)による分類


患者報告アウトカム (PRO)

PROは、「患者の回答について、臨床医や他の誰の解釈も介さず、患者から直接得られる患者の健康状態に関するすべての報告である」と定義されています(ISPOR日本部会ワーキンググループの訳による)。よく使用されるPROとしては、がん領域で症状評価に用いられる「MD Anderson Symptom Inventory: MDASI」や、QOL評価に用いられる「EORTC QLQ-C30」などが挙げられます。

A PRO is a measurement based on a report that comes from the patient (i.e., study subject) about the status of a patient’s health condition without amendment or interpretation of the patient’s report by a clinician or anyone else. A PRO can be measured by self-report or by interview, provided that the interviewer records only the patient’s response. Symptoms or other unobservable concepts known only to the patient (e.g., pain severity or nausea) can only be measured by PRO measures. PROs can also assess the patient perspective on functioning or activities that may also be observable by others.


医療者が評価したアウトカム (ClinRO)

PROが患者からの直接的な回答であるのに対し、ClinROは医療従事者による患者の症状などの評価を指します。がん領域で代表的なものとしては、「ECOG Performance Status」や「Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events」などが挙げられます。

A ClinRO is based on a report that comes from a trained health-care professional after observation of a patient’s health condition. A ClinRO measure involves a clinical judgment or interpretation of the observable signs, behaviors, or other physical manifestations thought to be related to a disease or condition. ClinRO measures cannot directly assess symptoms that are known only to the patient (e.g., pain intensity).


介護者が評価したアウトカム (ObsRO)

患者本人または医療従事者以外の者による観察に基づいた評価による測定を指します。代表的にはPediatric Quality of Life Inventory™などの小児向けの評価法などがあります。また、がん領域で使用される「Edmonton Symptom Assessment System Revised: ESAS-r」は、ObsROとしても、PROとしても使用されます。

An ObsRO is a measurement based on an observation by someone other than the patient or a health professional. This may be a parent, spouse, or other non-clinical caregiver who is in a position to regularly observe and report on a specific aspect of the patient’s health. An ObsRO measure does not include medical judgment or interpretation. Generally, ObsROs are reported by a parent, caregiver, or someone who observes the patient in daily life. For patients who cannot respond for themselves (e.g., infants or cognitively impaired), we encourage observer reports that include only those events or behaviors that can be observed. As an example, observers cannot validly report an infant’s pain intensity (a symptom) but can report infant behavior thought to be caused by pain (e.g., crying). For example, in the assessment of a child’s functioning in the classroom, the teacher is the most appropriate observer. Examples of ObsROs include a parent report of a child’s vomiting episodes or a report of wincing thought to be the result of pain in patients who are unable to report for themselves.


パフォーマンスアウトカム (PerfO)

医療者の指示によるパフォーマンスを評価する方法です。これは例えば6分間歩行検査(6-minutes walk test: 6MWT)のように、医療者の指示・管理下で6分間歩行していただき、その距離を測定するようなアウトカムを指します。

A PerfO is a measurement based on a task(s) performed by a patient according to instructions that is administered by a health care professional. Performance outcomes require patient cooperation and motivation. These include measures of gait speed (e.g., timed 25 foot walk test), memory recall, or other cognitive testing (e.g., digit symbol substitution test).