J-SUPPORT1604がBest of ASCO に選ばれました
シスプラチンを含む高度催吐性化学療法による化学療法誘発性悪心・嘔吐の予防に対する標準制吐療法+オランザピン5mg の有用性を検証するプラセボ対照二重盲検ランダム化第III 相比較試験(J-SUPPORT1604試験 J-FORCE Study)がBest of ASCOに選ばれました。
Symptoms and Survivorship
- Abstract 6509: The impact of routine ESAS use on overall survival: Results of a population-based retrospective matched cohort analysis. (Lisa Catherine Barbera, MD)
- Abstract 11503: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial evaluating olanzapine 5 mg combined with standard antiemetic therapy for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy: J-FORCE Study. (Hironobu Hashimoto, BPharm)
- Abstract 11506: Safety of pregnancy following breast cancer (BC) in patients (pts) carrying a BRCA mutation (mBRCA): Results of an international cohort study. (Matteo Lambertini, MD)
- Abstract 11507: Effects of exercise on cancer-related fatigue and muscular strength in patients with breast cancer. (Po-Ju Lin, PhD, MPH, RD)
- Abstract 11514: A randomized controlled trial of a novel artificial intelligence-based smartphone application to optimize the management of cancer-related pain. (Mihir Kamdar, MD)